To determine eligibility and enrol at our school please follow the simple step by step process below.
Step 1 - Check the Catchment Area
Families wishing to enrol at Picnic Creek State School must permanently reside within the school catchment to be eligible for enrolment.
Use the link below to determine whether your address is within the Picnic Creek State School catchment. Evidence of residential address is required upon enrolment.
View the catchment map
If you live within our catchment proceed to Step 2.
Step 2 - Complete an enrolment package
Enrolment packages are available for collection from our school administration or can be downloaded below. Each submission will need the following documentation:-
- Completed Enrolment Application
- Birth Certificate (if not an Australian Citizen - visa and passport will be required)
- Most recent academic report (only for interstate and non-government schools)
- Relevant assessments or reports from doctors, specialists, speech pathologist etc
- Any medical information needed about the student
- Proof of residential address including the following:-
- One primary source (current signed lease agreement or current rates notice or unconditional sale agreement)
- One secondary source (a utility bill e.g. electricity/gas)
- Any official documents relating to custody or family issues of which the school needs to be aware
Please note: You will need to provide all of the relevant documents above with your application. Without the correct and completed documents the enrolment cannot be accepted for processing.
PCSS Enrolment Form 2025.pdf
Step 3 - Submit application and attend an interview
At Picnic Creek State School we conduct enrolment interviews for all future students. Once you have completed the paperwork requirements please contact the office to book an enrolment interview with our administration staff.