In Dance, students use the body to communicate and express meaning through purposeful movement. Dance practice integrates choreography, performance, and responding to dance and dance making. Students experience and explore dance created and performed across diverse contexts, styles and forms, and build understanding of how dance uses the body and movement to communicate ideas and meaning.
At Picnic Creek , there are two extra-curricular groups for dance performance. One junior group in P-3 and our senior group in 4-6. Originally the dance excellence programme, these students auditioned last year and the groups now operate during break times. This is specifically for children with a background in dance who are wanting further experience in group choreography and performance skills. We will be aiming to compete in a dance competition, depending on readiness each year and both groups will perform at the Arts evening to display their skills. The groups are run by a variety of classroom teachers and teacher aides who volunteer their time to ensure our Picnic Creek children have a creative outlet in dance.